Travel team
Elk Speech Travel Team is an additional time and financial commitment beyond the Elk Speech Team. Travel Team members register with the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) and compete in NSDA tournaments in addition to MSHSL local tournaments. There will be at least one out-of-state tournament for Travel Team members as well as the potential to earn a spot to compete in the National Tournament. The 2019 NSDA National Tournament is in Dallas, Texas the week of June 16-21, 2019.
There is an annual application process each spring, with the Travel Team members announced at the year-end Speech Season Banquet.
Travel Team Parents, the first parent meeting for the 2018-19 season was Tuesday, October 16 at 5:30pm in ERHS Room 248. Information was distributed on 10/16 about season payment schedule, tournament schedule, fundraising, and expectations. Contact Ms. Harmer if you did not receive the information or if you have questions.
Travel Team individual member balances can be accessed through emailing